
Sustainable Hair Salon Farnham

Ruby Mane Hair Boutique Is A Sustainable Salon In Surrey


We are dedicated to being a sustainable hairdressing salon in Farnham at Ruby Mane Hair Boutique. Over the years, we have updated our green polices to become a more & more eco-friendly hair salon.

From clients completing surveys on green policies and our own research, we would like to tell you about what we are doing to be a sustainable salon.

Look and feel good when you get your hair done at Ruby Mane Hairdressers in Surrey as you can have peace of mind knowing that together we are helping the environment!

Sustainable Hairdressers Near Me






Using Renewable Energy & Less Water

For over three years now, at Ruby Mane Hairdressing Salon we have been using a renewable energy supplier!

We also have Ecoheads fitted to our backwashes. Ecoheads are eco-friendly, professional grade showerheads that have a special filtration system that leaves your hair cleaner and healthier! These showerheads provide cleaner water and better pressure, whilst also saving up to 65% of water and energy.

Ruby Mane Is Part Of The Green Salon Collective

The Green Salon Collective recycles our foils, plastics, cardboards, chemicals and even your hair! They use hair to clean up oil spills, and prevent salon chemicals from entering landfill or waterways by using them to generate energy. Not only this, but the Green Salon Collective generates clean energy using any PPE that is not needed anymore. They even compost disposable salon towels.

Ruby Mane Hair Boutique is proud to pay to be part of the Green Salon Collective due to all the incredible ways they help us to be an eco-friendly, sustainable hair salon. If you would like to donate to help us with this cause, clients can kindly pay a ‘Green Fee’ voluntary contribution of 50p per visit to go towards the monthly cost of a full recycling programme.

Vegan Hair Treatments At Our Farnham Hairdressers

At Ruby Mane Hair Salon in Surrey, we offer the Fabriq hair smoothing treatment to smooth and tame unwanted frizz. This award-winning keratin treatment can be used to repair damaged hair, smooth frizzy hair, or define your natural curls. The best part about this hair smoothing treatment is that it is 100% cruelty-free and vegan hair treatment. Find our more about the Fabriq keratin treatment.

Book Appointments At A Sustainable Hair Salon In Farnham

You can do your part to help the planet every time you get your hair done, by booking your hair appointments at our sustainable hair salon in Surrey. To book an appointment at Ruby Mane Hair Boutique, please call us on 01252 713677 or book online using the pop-up button at the side of the page.


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