
Ruby Mane at the British Hairdressing Awards

The British Hairdressing Awards took place on the 27th December. This prestigious award is all about celebrating the achievements of the best talent in the industry.The team at Ruby Mane were delighted to be part of the fun – 11 of us went and had a fabulous evening that included a Champagne reception, a 4-course dinner and an after party at the Grosvenor Hotel In London. 

Ruby Mane at the British Hairdressing Awards

The most prestigious award of the night, British Hairdresser of the Year, was awarded to Sally Brooks. She was absolutely thrilled because it was also the first time she had been nominated by her peers to be a British Hairdresser of the Year finalist.

Here are some images featuring some of the highlights from 2017’s biggest event in the hairdressing calendar.


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