
How to Create the Best Hair Braids

Three of the Best Plaited Hairstyles at Ruby Mane Hair Boutique in Farnham

The hairdressing experts at Ruby Mane Hair Boutique in Farnham are excited to bring you three of their favourite on-trend braided hairstyles.  Braids and plaits have had a revival in recent years, with the trend for fishtail plaits, waterfall braids and Dutch braids proving popular.  Here we bring you a ‘how to’ guide… or why not book in for a quick plaited hairstyle at your favourite Farnham hairdressers instead?

The Dutch Braid

Dutch braids are a great youthful look and are easy to do yourself. Simply brush your hair smooth before parting into three clean, even sections. Add a little hairspray or styling product to keep stray hairs at bay.

Start by crossing the right section under the central section of hair, then cross the left section under the new middle section. Repeat the process by picking up thin sections of hair from left to right – make sure you cross the hair under not over to achieve the perfect Dutch Braid.

At Ruby Mane Hair Salon in Farnham, we love to keep up to date with all the latest hairstyling trends and techniques.  Why not pop in to the salon and have a chat with one of our skilled hair stylists who will happily suggest the best look for you and your hair type and give you top tips on how to achieve it?

best braids, ruby mane hair boutique salon in farnham

The Braided Headband Hairstyle

What could be better than using your own hair as a funky headband? This plaited look works on short, medium and longer length hair and is the perfect style to wear half up and half down.

Start with freshly washed hair (damp or dry is fine), then section a large piece of your hair roughly from the crown to behind the ears. Next separate the hair into three equal strands before proceeding to cross the left section over the middle section, and then the right section over the new middle section. Carry on using this braiding technique until you run out of hair. Secure with a hair tie and pin the end of the plaited ponytail behind your ear with a bobby pin.

If you want your plait or braid to appear thicker, and flatter use what is known as the pancake technique – simply use your fingers to gently pull at the sections of the plait to loosen it and make it lie flatter like a pancake!

best braids, ruby mane hair boutique salon in farnham

Fishtail Plaits

Fishtail plaits are the ultimate braid and can be worn sleek and smooth or tousled and chunky for a bo-ho look. If this is your first time creating a fishtail braid then maybe try with a side ponytail to start.

Now split the hair into two smooth, equal parts before creating a much smaller third section from the outside of the ponytail. Now pull the small section across the top of the larger section from left to right, you need to repeat this process from right to left.

Repeat these steps until you run out of hair – secure with a hair tie and spritz with a finishing product for extra hold. Don’t worry if your plait looks messy or tousled this creates a relaxed plaited look.

best braids, ruby mane hair boutique salon in farnham

Top Tips to Keep Your Plaits & Braids Looking Good

Plaits and braids can work loose throughout the day which can in itself create a charming look. If, however, you prefer for your hairstyle to stay put, follow these top tips to stop your braids from misbehaving…

·         Add some styling product to your hair to make it easier to grip – such as hairspray or dry shampoo.

·         The smaller the sections of hair, the tighter the plait. If you want a chunky plait, use thicker sections.

·         Braid your hair tightly in the morning and then unravel later on in the day for relaxed beach babe waves.

·         Add hair accessories to your braid to hide any pins or hair ties.

·         Next time you pop into our Farnham hair salon, ask your stylist for tips and recommended products to get your hair in the best shape possible.  

Book Your Hair Appointment at Farnham’s Top Hair Salon

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